The Journey to Ascension

Ascension is a spiritual journey associated with personal and collective growth, leading to higher consciousness, healing, and service to others. It can involve meditation, mindfulness, and chakra work, among other practices. Its perception varies across different philosophical traditions.

The Loss of a Beloved Pet

A pet may come into one’s life unexpectedly or planned. The compassion and love that forms the bond is one of the strongest connections that both a human and a pet can have. There’s a silent communication, an energy, that thrives and goes deep into the soul. Whether the beloved pet is adopted, rescued orContinue reading “The Loss of a Beloved Pet”

Filling the Void

There are times when one feels like there is a void, an emptiness that is within them or around them. It can feel lonely, isolated or fearful. On the other hand, this space can also be a place of healing. When life deals someone a bunch of lemons, they can throw them in the trashContinue reading “Filling the Void”

Finding Your Way Through The Shadows

Have you ever felt that there is something more to life than what you are experiencing now? Do you feel that there are blocks or obstacles that are holding you back from something more? Some refer to shadows as the Dark Night of the Soul. Working with ones shadows can be a freeing yet arduousContinue reading “Finding Your Way Through The Shadows”


Archangel Gabriel’s Message of Self-Love Dear Ones, We ask that you bring your focus within. Feel where the restrictions, densities, memories of old, scarcity and sadness are being held. Bring your awareness to your heart space, the love center or heart chakra. Often times one expresses love for another, yet does not hold the spaceContinue reading “Self-Love”

Finding Your Way Forward

This will be a reoccurring theme in the ongoing weeks for those who are seeking to find their soul path. How do you find your way forward? Go within. Quiet the mind. Breathe in the light that flows into your crown chakra. Focus on the spark that lights your way. Follow that light. It’s asContinue reading “Finding Your Way Forward”

Energy healing and stress? How does it work?

Energy healing, or energy work, is the new buzz phrase these days, yet many are puzzled by how it actually works. As a Reiki Master, Advanced Integrated Energy Therapist (IET©), and an Advanced Master Crystal Healer, I will help you to understand what it is that I, in particular, do to help release negative, blocked,Continue reading “Energy healing and stress? How does it work?”